What do you call teachers who worry about there own well being, without thinking about the consequences it might cause the very same kids, they are being paid to teach? Can you fathom the reason why teachers would want to go on strike? Is it because of the indiscreet condition they are being paid to teach in? Teachers shouldn’t be working in a condition they don’t feel comfortable in, but kids shouldn’t be kept out of school because of these conditions.
If teachers are fed-up of the conditions they are being forced to work in, imaging how the kids who are easily irritated most have feel learning in this condition. The strike isn’t just based on the dirty and disgusting conditions the teachers are working in, or the fact that rats and roaches are coming to classes with the kids, it’s also about job security. Teachers want to know that there job is secured, but WHY?
I am against the Chicago teacher strike simply because, the teachers probably haven’t thought about the welfare of the kids who don’t eat breakfast or lunch at home but at school, or better yet what about the parents who have to go to work and cant bring the kids to work with them, or cant find some one to watch them, and result in having to stay home from work to take care of there kids.  

I want to ask you, what is your insight on the Chicago teacher strike?

Usain Bolt is currently the reigning Olympic champion over 100m and holds both world and Olympic 100m records with a time of 9.58 seconds. He is also World Record holder for the 200m, running at 19.19 seconds in Berlin on 20th August 2009. Bolt is also the world junior record holder in the 200 meters (19.93 seconds), and Jamaican national record holder in the 200m (19.67 seconds). His name and achievements in sprinting have earned him the media nickname “Lightning Bolt.

Usain bolt is one of many athletes who doesnt believes in taking supliments. But he admits to taking vitamin C and nothing else. Bolts diet includes meals that contains 60% protein, 30% carbs and 10% fats. On the day he beat the world record for the 100m Bolt discribe his preparation as:

"Usain Bolt"
“I woke around 11am and decided to watch some TV and had some nuggets"

How do you prepare for a big day or sports event ?
There has been 8 art masterpiece that has been stollen from one hundred years ago and still havent been recovered except for da Vinci's "Mona Lisa" -- was stolen from the Louvre in Paris by museum employee Vincenzo Peruggia. The smirking lady was recovered two years later, but not all of the art world's masterworks have been so lucky.